Namaste! LMS Front-End Demo

We have created several demo courses to help you experience the LMS as a student. The content of these courses copies the content of the documentation and may be less up to date. Its purpose is to demonstrate the basic LMS functions and not to educate.

If you want to see demo of the admin-side check our Sandbox (Login as sandbox with password 123456).

To use the demo on this site you need to sign up for user account.

Here are the available courses:

Namaste! LMS – learn how to work with the free plugin: create courses, lessons, assignments, manage students, certificates, etc.

Namaste! PRO – learn about the extra functionality in the PRO plugin and how to use it.

Namaste! Connect – working with the Connect module

Namaste! Reports – using the Advanced Reports


10 thoughts on “Namaste! LMS Front-End Demo

  1. Sorry my mistake – the link is fine there is just an extra layer of security where you need to type in the verification code which comes up.

    1. Please have a look at the shortcodes, the settings and the Help page. You can display lessons via shortcode or if you want to make them show in the lists of posts on your blog, you can enable this in the Namaste Settings page.

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