Namaste! LMS Documentation

This is the extended Namaste! LMS documentation. It’s a work in progress project so feel free to email us corrections and suggestions.

Using Namaste! LMS

Going PRO With Namaste! PRO

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44 thoughts on “Namaste! LMS Documentation

  1. It can’t help.
    It does’t show how to built paid course website.
    I set up payment settings . It says automatically generated but nothing happened. I try and try….
    No help~

    1. Set a price for the course. You as admin will never be charged, you need student’s account to see the payment button.

  2. Hello
    Can Namaste LMS run training that has been created in Captivate then coverted to the MPG4 format?

    Thank you

      1. It’s a feature we desperately need. Our courses are professional development classes that are accessed rather informally and participants need to be able to enroll and unenroll on their own. Thank you.

  3. Hi Kiboko,
    Just wanted to thank you for the Namaste! LMS. Your time, effort and ongoing support are greatly appreciated. I wish you lots of success in your new projects and keeping up to date the Namasete! LMS.

    Kind regards,
    Philip Rahman

  4. Great product! Looking through the documentation, and seems pretty flexible, however seems to be resorting to my default template within my theme. Generally I create new templates via ftp, is there a way to reassign the namaste course to a particular custom themplate?

    Not seeing the option to switch templates, I’ve copied over the ‘view’ files, but those seem to be more about functionality than the overall look. Thanks!

  5. some of my students are not being allowed to advance to the next lesson eventhough all of the previous lessons are complete, accepted and graded. Is there a fix for this bug?

    1. Please include the [namaste-todo] shortcode in the lesson. It will clearly show what else needs to be done to complete the lesson. It’s not a bug: the only reason a lesson would not be completed is unsatisfied requirement.

      1. All requirements ARE satisfied, and my students are not being allowed to progress even though they’ve turned in assignments and they were approved and graded. When I go to the Student section the module either shows “in progress” with an empty {todo} field or “not started” even though the assignments were approved and graded. It doesn’t happen with every student either. It seems random in that other students did the same exact things and yet they are able to move forward and the system recognizes progress.

        1. Students who have never started the lesson (i.e. not visited the lesson page) can’t have it completed even if all other requirements are completed.

          If you have cases where students have visited the lesson AND completed all requirements, and still can’t get the lesson completed, you can email us details to have a look. Such problem have never been observed so far.

  6. How do I build the bridge from ‘payment’ to ‘get a login’. Once they buy the course I need them to have a login to sign in to the site. Please be very specific as I don’t know a lot of the lingo.

    Thank you

    1. Logging in happens before purchase. Non logged in users will automatically be redirected to register / login when they try to enroll.

  7. Hi,

    May I ask some questions about Namaste or Namaste Pro LMS.

    1. Do they support Korean language?

    2. Do they offer OTP(one time password) and OT url ?

    Thank you.


    1. All languages are supported.

      I can’t answer the OTP question, but assuming it’s something about user login, this is a general WP question and not a Namaste related one. Namaste uses the WP login / registration system.

  8. Greetings,

    I am trying to set up a courses offered page that describes courses, prices and a click to buy page. Im trying to do this before the my courses page. I had something similar set up with konnichiwa but I don’t need subscriptions, I just need to sell the course… Suggestions?

  9. Hi,
    I am trying to create a course, and the list of lessons comes out scrambled, despite my use of a shortcode [namaste-course-lessons 0 0 post_date ASC]
    Is there any other way to make an ordered list? Can I order lessons by their pre-requisites (i.e., a lesson with no pre-requisites defaults to #1, etc.?)

      1. I found only post_date. This is somewhat inconvenient. When compiling a course from lessons created previously, it is impossible to sort them properly by using this field. Is there a workaround?

  10. There is a problem with the “TAKE THIS COURSE” button.


    Please help with this!

      1. It’s not exactly a message. Where the “TAKE THIS COURSE” button is, there is an additional text after that inside the button itself which says “WARNING CREATING DEFAULT OBJECT FROM EMPTY VALUE IN /HOME1/SPEAKPAN/PUBLIC_HTM..
        I can’t see the whole text because it cuts off

        It only happens when I create a new course. Not for existing courses from the demo theme

    1. Payment is available in the free version.
      Students can see courses in “My Courses” page or on a page where the shortcode is published.

  11. Hi! Great work 🙂

    I just purchased the pro plugin today and enabled shopping cart under settings.

    When my shopping cart is displayed, the text is smushed together and is not laid out nicely like the image provided in the Namaste PRO tour. How do I create this layout for my shopping cart?


  12. Hi,
    Other than preview, on any lesson, is there a way to view the entire course(from sign up to finish) from the student perspective? I would like to make sure it looks/works the way I need it to.
    thank you

  13. Have set up some fee paying courses. Clicking on Enroll takse me to Paypal and the transaction is fine but afterwards still saying I’m not registered to do the course.
    By contrast if I make it a free course then enroll it does say I’m enrolled and can do the courses.
    For some reason going to the payment gateway is disrupting Namaste registering a new enrolled student – currently using Namaste free.

    1. Check the payment error log at the Namaste Settings page under Payment options. Most probably you are using Paypal IPN but your site is not on SSL. You should use Paypal PDT.

      1. Thanks. Will try this. Have checked my paypal accounts and the test fees have been deducted from on eaccount but not accepted by the other.
        Sorry to sound dumb but the Paypal ID text box – is that the Merchant ID shown in my Paypal account or an API signature?

    1. All accounts support IPN but now Paypal requires https address. See the error log, I have no way to guess what’s wrong.

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